Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Creating a World That Works For Me!

Dictionary.com (the new authority in word-explanations, at least as far as I'm concerned) defines the term 'affiliate' (n.) thusly: "A person who is affiliated; associate; auxiliary." Hmm. Helpful.

Many years ago I was told by a professor of English that one's thesis statement should never begin with a dictionary definition. However, I'm about to break more than one rule of blog-writing, so I may as well embrace error and start out on the wrong foot. Ah, rebellion. Take that, Professor Lewis!

Now, wouldn't you like to be a "person who is affiliated" with Berrett-Koehler Publishers? Wouldn't you like to say, casually, -- perhaps over cocktails? -- "Why yes, I am a Berrett-Koehler associate. An auxiliary, if you will"? It's no "Bond, James Bond" but it's pretty darn close.

Well, now is your chance! Here is where I break another writing rule (this one from Jeevan): Tell, don't sell. Because, my friends, I am about to sell.

Have you heard of The BK Affiliate Network? If you're on one of our mailing lists, chances are that you have. However, if you're reading this, chances are that you haven't signed up. (Because not many have -- get it?) Normally, I'd agree with Jeevan -- this is not the forum for marketing -- but I'm framing this differently. I'm not pushing this for Berrett-Koehler, I'm pushing it for myself. The BK Affiliate Network is my program to grow, so you can chalk this song and dance up to awe-inspiring and motivational go-getting initiative! Right? Or, sure, selfishness. Whatever.

The good thing about this selfishness is that, in the end, it will benefit you too! If you have a website (or if your organization, friend, or family member has a website), you can use the BK name and catalog to make yourself (or your organization, friend, or family member) some money, and it will save those website visitors money too! When you join the BK Affiliate Network (have I repeated myself enough? are you getting very very sleepy yet?), visitors to bkconnection.com from your website receive an automatic 20% discount on any and all of the 700+ Berrett-Koehler Products. On top of that, you (or your organization, friend, or family member) receive 10% in thanks for the referral. You get money, we get money, and new customers get the greatest gift of all -- their own invitation to the program! No, I'm just kidding. What new customers really get is a wonderful introduction to a world of information and entertainment that they never knew existed. Win, win, and win!

Don't believe me? Follow the BK links on one (or all) of these sites:

Notice anything? These happy BK Affiliates are providing their web visitors with discounts on all of our products, not just their own books. On top of the 10% referral bonus they receive, they're also getting a high-profile shout-out from yours truly. Thanks guys! Want to be part of this elite group? I thought so.

Beyond all of us, the BK Affiliate Network really does serve our mission of 'Creating a World That Works for All' by spreading the new ideas presented in our books to a wide-reaching audience, stimulating thought processes far and wide!

Alright, I've had enough crass commercialism for one day. If that debonair image of your cocktail-party confession really resonated, check out this page for more information on the program. You can also use the comments section of this blog posting to pose any and all questions, but also feel free to email me at bkaufman@bkpub.com. After word hits a few offices down that I've been breaking rank, I may have a lot more free time on my hands.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. More Twitter treats and Facebook findings to come next time.


  1. An Extra Note:
    If you decide to sign up for the program (please do!), do send me an email to let me know so that I can thank you, give you any help you may need, and make sure that I approve your application!

    Thanks again,

